AMTSO is a non-profit organization founded in 2008 to combat poor quality and misleading IT security testing and to promote better, fairer tests.

Today, 60+ members, representing IT security world-leading corporations and organisations, are dedicated to improving testing standards for all consumers and buyers, making them trustworthy, transparent and reliable.

The success of AMTSO’s mission requires viewpoints from a variety of independent individuals and organizations to ensure the standards are well structured, reliable, up to date, useful and as future proof as possible.

Approved applicants not only help shape the future of IT security testing, they can grow their network, while debating and learning from world-leading industry thinkers, vendors, testers and influencers from across the industry and around the world including at the two annual AMTSO two-day conferences, each held in a different city around the globe.

Security vendors

  • Share your views on testing with your peers from across the industry, and have your say in how testing can be improved.
  • Network with testing providers and find the right partners for your testing needs.

Independent test labs

  • Get expert guidance and advice on test design and implementation.
  • Share your knowledge and ideas to establish your status as an authority on testing.

Academics and researchers

  • Cross the industry/academia divide and find out what’s going on in the real world.
  • Ensure your teachings are up to date and get experts views.

Industry analysts

  • Hear about the pain points facing security providers when their products are being evaluated, from the horse’s mouth of our community of leading technologists.

Journalists and reviewers

  • Get expert advice and assistance to help you provide fair and reliable testing and product evaluations.
  • Find out first hand what makes security testing difficult, and how to avoid the bear traps.
  • Expand your list of trusted experts to verify facts and get commentary.

Cybersecurity and technology regulators

  • Discuss regulation requirements to improve industry wide security standards.
  • Consider how compliant organisations can improve overall security by relying on AMTSO approved IT security testing.
  • Share existing and future security policy ideas with members and get expert feedback.

Corporate IT buyers

  • Find out how you should be running your in-house testing and evaluations
  • Avoid the pitfalls that can lead to incomplete or inaccurate measurements
  • Learn from our community of experts
  • Share your needs directly with providers of both testing and security services

Penetration testers

  • Swap tips with the testing community on how to fully exercise security implementations.
  • Learn first-hand about the bleeding edge of security technology and how it can best be measured

Is your industry not listed? Our apologies – this list is not exhaustive. Email us at [email protected] for more information.

AMTSO Entity Members include corporations, non-profit organizations, academic institutions and other entities. Entity Members are entitled to all rights of AMTSO membership, including voting rights.

All AMTSO Entity Members have the following benefits:

  • AMTSO Community: Access the AMTSO member website and email lists, with regular updates on what AMTSO is doing and opportunities to share your views.
  • AMTSO Working Groups: Contribute to the design and implementation of AMTSO projects, such as our Standard, the free tools we provide to end-users, our RTTL sample-sharing system and much more besides.
  • AMTSO Member Meetings: Attend the AMTSO member meetings held twice per year in locations around the world (2 free places per member company, additional places available at low cost). Join regular member-exclusive online meetings and events.
  • Board: Run for a seat on the AMTSO Board of Directors. Four positions are up for election annually, for a two-year term, with two positions voted for by AMTSO’s Tester members and two elected by non-tester members.

Annual fee

  • Annual Revenues of $100 million or more $15,000
  • Annual Revenues of $10 million to $100 million $8,000
  • Annual Revenues of $1 million to $10 million $3,500
  • Annual Revenues of less than $1 million $1,000*
  • Academic Institution or Non-Governmental Organization $1,500

* New members with revenues of less than $1 million charged $500 for first two membership years.

We also offer individual membership for students, academics and other individuals. Individual Members are entitled to all rights of AMTSO membership, but do not have the right to vote. Annual fee is $500 for full-time academic in relevant area of study, $150 for full-time student in relevant area of study and $1,000 for other individuals.

Memberships are granted by the Board following a review of an AMTSO member application. Membership is typically granted within two weeks of application. During that time, AMTSO may get in touch with the listed contact for additional information. Memberships will be fully activated on receipt of initial membership fees.